“Help me to do it by myself.”
“We do not say that we want to prepare a school for children, we wish to prepare an environment for life..”
“To concentrate is to be engaged in some exercise that absorbs your total attention.” Maria Montessori
“we are in the presence of individuals who are masters of their own homes.” -Maria Montessori
“Preventing conflicts is the work of politics; establishing peace is the work of education.” Maria Montessori
"success in life depends in every case on self-confidence and the knowledge of one's own capacity" -Maria Montessori
“The world of education is like an island where people, cut off from the world, are prepared for life by exclusion from it.” Maria Montessori
“Children touch everything in the house. A mother will say that a child is naughty and bad when, for example, he wants the ink pot. She will give him toys and forbid him to touch her things. But the child will say, ‘I am not here for toys. My mission is to become a strong man.’” Maria Montessori
"Observing these children — healthy, tranquil, innocent, sensitive, full of love and joy, always ready to help others — I have been forced to reflect upon the amount of human energy wasted because of an ancient error…”
"Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire 'to make him learn things,' but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called the intelligence.” Maria Montessori, 'Spontaneous Activity in Education'
Many decades ago, the late educator Dr. Maria Montessori offered a small group of children a spontaneous lesson or “game” about silence.
"Rewards and punishments are ... the worst enemies of the natural development of the child. The jockey gives sugar to his horse before the race, but applies spurs and the whip when there is lagging. Still, do any of these methods induce the animal to run as swiftly and as superbly as the horse of the plains?" Maria Montessori, 1915
“If we wish to achieve peace and mutual understanding, we must start at the moment of birth…” Maria Montessori
Sometimes the good intentions of wealthy parents, like expensive toys and on-demand nannies, only handicap the very children they’re trying to make happy.
“When a grownup thinks of work, he thinks of doing something as a means to an end — spending his days in an office for the sake of a salary — but a child’s work is based on doing things for their own sake.” Maria Montessori
“Let us say it straight out — the child wants to do everything all by himself.” Maria Montessori
During a lecture in London, 1946, the educator Maria Montessori told the audience that “progress is not linear.” Here’s to embracing both the ups and downs of genuine growth, in children and in ourselves.
“By changing the center from the adult — and adult values — to the child, and his values, we should change the whole path of civilization.” Maria Montessori
"This great discovery, this great emotion is one of the most wonderful feelings humankind can have. Adults will perhaps some day recollect this marvelous fact." Maria Montessori
“It often happens that children who are more or less at the same stage in a subject will spontaneously form a group of two, three, or four, and work together for an hour or so, perhaps the whole morning.” E.M. Standing, biographer of Maria Montessori
“To concentrate is to be engaged in some exercise that absorbs your total attention.” Maria Montessori (London, 1946)
A child hasn’t always seen what we’ve seen, doesn’t always know what we know, so he might love to experience what for us is commonplace.
"The children of three years of age in the "Children's Houses" [Montessori classrooms for 3- to 6-year-olds] learn and carry out such work as sweeping, dusting, making things tidy, setting the table for meals, waiting at table, washing the dishes, etc." Maria Montessori
“No one could have foreseen that children had concealed within themselves a vital secret..." Maria Montessori
“We must act on the principle of the mother who, when her little child would only dare to walk clinging to her dress, unobtrusively substituted a piece of the child’s own dress into its tiny hand. It then walked on alone; and discovered with joy that it was able to do so.”
"When children are interested in a subject they tend to spend a long time studying it, or in other words, trying to find their own experience…." Maria Montessori
"We only have to look at civilization to realize the greatness of which man is capable. But we are focused on his errors and mistakes, not on his greatness. ..." Maria Montessori
“The transformation education should assume today is to become a really social movement, not a political or economical one." Maria Montessori
“Let the teacher not lose sight of the fact that the goal sought is not an immediate one — not the hike — but rather to make the spiritual being which she is educating capable of finding his way by himself.” Maria Montessori
"This is the secret: we must walk with the child and not the child with us." Maria Montessori (London, 1946)
“He did not want the sand in the pail, but he wanted the exercise of putting it there. He wanted to feel the joy of doing something by himself.” Maria Montessori
“One becomes a well-balanced adult only if one has fully been a child.” Maria Montessori
"When the child has come to understand something it is not the end, but only the beginning." Maria Montessori